2008年10月30日 星期四

Reaction Article #5: Economy sounds warning for festivals

Name: Wendy Cheng (49712053)
Date: 10/31/2008

My Reactions:
According to Simon Atkinson in “Economy sounds warning for festivals,” the industry experts have found that festivals which held in each countries start to decrease mainly because of the global economy decline. For example, unemployment and lack of investors are prone to cancels of many smaller as well as medium scale events. Moreover, the budgets for festivals are forced to cut back as costs are going up, including fuel prices, power and haulage; nevertheless, ticket prices can’t be put up. It is a hard time for entertainment industry now. The phenomenon is considered to have both advantages and disadvantages. Some experts think optimistically that the downturn will restore balance while the others warn it will make festivals face an uncertain future. The most important way to prevent the recession from getting more serious is that each festival has to respond all customers’ needs.

As far as I am concerned, the article analyzes this problem narrowly. The situation has happened in Taiwan recently. People begin to get tired of so many festivals that are almost alike. In short, the worse economy situation countries get, the worse income will entertainment industry has. Most people will save their money for necessary things such as food instead of entertainment if the economy declines seriously. In my opinion, every festival should have their own features in order to attract consumers. After holding the events, promoters have to make improvements on defects. By doing these things, I believe that festivals will prosper again and people will receive more quality life during economic downturn.

Taiwan government should take measures to help the industry as well. It can give more subsidies to make festivals get better. In conclusion, festivals should be changed so as to fit their customers. (290 words)

2008年10月23日 星期四

Reaction Article #4: Afghan Student Sentenced to 20 Years

Name: Wendy Cheng (49712053)
Date: 10/24/2008
From: Time

My reactions:
In accordance with Amir Shah in “Afghan Student Sentenced to 20 Years,” a journalism student Parwez Kambakhsh was accused of irreverence for asking questions in class about women’s rights under Islam. At first, he was sentenced to death. Nevertheless, Afghan court overturned the death sentence and judges still sentenced him to twenty years in prison. He was penalized since he also wrote an article on the Internet as well as on his paper which express his own comments about why Islam doesn’t provide equal rights for women. The incident gives rise to big reactions, conservative groups and open groups in the world have fierce debate. It is thought that the event reveals that a great frustration and a setback of the rights of free expression in Afghan.

As far as I am concerned, the government of Afghan is so ridiculous that sentenced people as violating the tenets of Islam. People all around the world should have their own freedom, including free speech and free thoughts. I think that the student was innocent; moreover, he expressed his perceptions bravely. As a female, I feel sorry but proud of him for the reason that he has fought for women’s rights. Afghan puts strict regulations on women, such as every woman is banned to be seen on the face otherwise they will be punished in public. Although some limits are the tenets of Islam, they are unreasonable to me because of differences between democratic and autocratic countries. Taiwan is much freer than Afghan, I should cherish these individual freedom and use them properly. Moreover, Taiwanese government should learn some lesson from the happening. (270 words)

2008年10月16日 星期四

Reaction Article#3: NASA Ready to Reboot Hubble

Name: Wendy Cheng (49712053)
Date: 10/17/2008
From: The New York Times

My Reactions:
According to Dennis Overbye in “NASA ready to reboot Hubble,” the Hubble Space Telescope, which is regarded as the most important space instrument, shut down suddenly two weeks ago. NASA has to send astronauts to reboot it due to its indispensible status. However, the method which fixes Hubble is dangerous for astronauts because a backup channel of the telescope and other components haven’t been turned on since Hubble was launched in 1990. Although the mission isn’t safe at all, the shuttle was blast off so as to do the last on-orbit maintenance of Hubble. If the mission success, we will see many impressive as well as beautiful picture from the outer space again.

I felt nervous when I heard the news in the beginning. After reading the entire article, I felt relieved for the reason that NASA find out the solution of Hubble’s problem. The telescope is so famous that I have learned it from the science textbook since elementary school. Hubble Space Telescope helps us to know more about the outer space by its clear pictures. In addition, Hubble has discovered many new theories which have great influence on astronomy. It is indeed a masterpiece of all time!

As far as I am concerned, the countries in the world should come up with some measures to replace Hubble in case of its breakdown or retirement. For example, scientists and engineers can invent a new space telescope which is better than Hubble by developed technology. Furthermore, we can think of some ways to prolong Hubble’s life. In short, I hope that Hubble can still work for people who live in the Earth and give us more information about the outer space. (281 words)

2008年10月9日 星期四

Reaction Article #2: Disease warning on climate change

Name: Wendy Cheng
Date: 10/10/2008

My Reactions:
According to Richard Black in “Disease warning on climate change,” the increase of diseases is caused by climate changes around the world. The warmer climate we will get, the wider region disease will spread. Furthermore, the media which carry different kinds of disease, such as mosquitoes, ticks or flies, will survive in the temperate zone when weather turns warmer. As the result, there is much more new virus and bacteria appear. Some diseases that scatter over local places have started to move from wild animals to human beings. The global climate shift can lead to serious problems.

In my opinion, global warming is no longer novel news. Almost every scientist has warned that it can due to many bad consequences. For example, food and water crises, species extinction, new diseases emergence, etc. However, people seem to ignore these problems except a few groups which pay much attention to them. We, residents of the Earth, should remember that we are responsible for protecting the lovely planet. On the other hand, we will pay for what we have done. I am so surprised that global warming has much to do with the spread of diseases after reading this article. To think deeply, these two things are relevant. Take SARS for example, it broke out and spread too fast to prevent. There were many people died and some of the victims still have had sequelae since the explosion. It was said that SARS had appeared suddenly because of global warming.

We should keep a watch on the spread of diseases; even a small change can have great influence on ecosystems. The government of each country has to build a perfect system monitoring both wild lives and people. Therefore, we can deal with the outbreak anytime instead of chaos. I believe that we can stop diseases from spreading further successfully as long as we have patience and strong will. (315 words)

2008年10月6日 星期一

Reaction Article #1: More Candy From China, Tainted, Is in U.S.

Name: Wendy Cheng (49712053)
Date: 10/06/2008
From: The New York Times

My Reactions:
The news “More Candy From China, Tainted, Is in U.S.,” talks about that there are more and more contaminated Chinese candy was found in America.In addition, China authorities wanted to cover up the scandal despite of many parents’ protest and public anger from all over the world. The melamine contamination in candies is an industrial addictive which can make infants sick and even let them died. However, manufactories still use it illegally because it can pretend their products having more protein levels. In this way, they can make much money. Although many victims have tried to sue the companies, they were in vain owing to political power.

In my opinion, the manufactories, which used tainted milk powder, should stand in consumers’ shoes. They should follow their business morals in spite of their own desire. I think that the explosion of this astonishing news has advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of news are that it can remind people of their crisis consciousness. More people will pay attention to the information of products before they buy them. The government will also build some laws to manage the quality of our dairy products. However, this news may have great influence on Taiwan’s dairy business. Most people are afraid of “tainted milk” so far, they refuse to purchase anything related to milk. The event will decrease the Taiwan’s economy of agriculture. We, the citizens of Taiwan, have to come up with some measures to solve the problem.

Chinese government’s attitude and behavior toward the incident makes me frustrated. It becomes the stereotype that Chinese products are bad. I think that they should change their manner toward the world and the public. Taiwan government should also learn something from this event. (288 words)