2008年10月6日 星期一

Reaction Article #1: More Candy From China, Tainted, Is in U.S.

Name: Wendy Cheng (49712053)
Date: 10/06/2008
From: The New York Times

My Reactions:
The news “More Candy From China, Tainted, Is in U.S.,” talks about that there are more and more contaminated Chinese candy was found in America.In addition, China authorities wanted to cover up the scandal despite of many parents’ protest and public anger from all over the world. The melamine contamination in candies is an industrial addictive which can make infants sick and even let them died. However, manufactories still use it illegally because it can pretend their products having more protein levels. In this way, they can make much money. Although many victims have tried to sue the companies, they were in vain owing to political power.

In my opinion, the manufactories, which used tainted milk powder, should stand in consumers’ shoes. They should follow their business morals in spite of their own desire. I think that the explosion of this astonishing news has advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of news are that it can remind people of their crisis consciousness. More people will pay attention to the information of products before they buy them. The government will also build some laws to manage the quality of our dairy products. However, this news may have great influence on Taiwan’s dairy business. Most people are afraid of “tainted milk” so far, they refuse to purchase anything related to milk. The event will decrease the Taiwan’s economy of agriculture. We, the citizens of Taiwan, have to come up with some measures to solve the problem.

Chinese government’s attitude and behavior toward the incident makes me frustrated. It becomes the stereotype that Chinese products are bad. I think that they should change their manner toward the world and the public. Taiwan government should also learn something from this event. (288 words)
